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Absolute nightmare. My mother-in-law (MIL) and myself had booked to get our hair and make-up done for my brother-in-laws wedding on 25th May. We double checked our booking upon arrival in Plymouth on 24th May, to be told everything was fine and we were booked in. On the Saturday, we arrived at 11am, with four hours until we were due at the hotel to be collected for the wedding. HAIR My MIL was taken straight to get her hair washed, but an hour went by and I was left, it turned out, they had forgotten they were doing me! They finally started washing my hair and then left me waiting with my hair wet and shampoo on it, whilt the manager answered the phone to her partner. By this point, we had been in the salon for well over two hours and my hair hadn't even been blow dried. By 1.30pm they were finally styling my hair. By this point the manager had left and we were left with their official hairdresser and beauty therapist. MAKE UP 13.50pm - They had forgotten that they were doing our make up, so the beauty therapist had not brought in the make-up supplies, so they decided to use someone's personal makeup! The tones of the make-up were all wrong for the both of us, they had no eye shadow, lip gloss or face powder. The beauty therapist ran to the shops in town to buy some eye shadow after much time wasting trying to contact the manager. She arrived back at the salon for 2.20pm and finished mine and my MIL's make-up. The foundation was slightly too orange for her, but for myself I looked like I had been tangoed. The beauty therapist said that she didnt think it looked right but there was nothing that she could do, which I was very unhappy about as they were expecting us to pay for this joke. We finally left the salon at 2.40pm (with 20mins to get back to the hotel, get dressed and get to the pier for collection). When we finally arrived back at the hotel, I had to spend a good five minutes trying to touch up the make up, but it was so bad I just had to leave it and pray that no one would notice the orange effect! All in all, both myself and my MIL felt that they very nearly ruined the day as she was nearly late for her sons wedding. I would really recommend you find somewhere else to have your treatments done, don't waste your money on sub-standard service and cheap products.

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